Contract Sample |
LENDER: Jean and Graham Devoe Williford Telephone: (903) 389-9637 Charitable Trust Facsimile: (903) 915-4170 P. O. Box 877 Contact: Stephanie Thompson Fairfield, TX 75840 Email:
BORROWER: Telephone: (___) _______ Facsimile: (___) _______ Contact: __________________________ Email: _________________________________
POINT OF DELIVERY: ____________________________________________________ Telephone number: (___) ________ Contact: _________________________ POINT OF RETURN: Tyler Museum of Art Telephone number: (903) 595-1001 Contact: Leah Scott
In accordance with the conditions of this loan, the object(s) listed below is(are) borrowed for the following purpose: (X) Exhibition ( ) Research/Study ( ) Other (describe):
Exhibition Title: _______________________________________ Exhibition Dates: ______________________________________ Loan Period (approximate time period to allow incoming and return shipping): ________________________________________
Credit Line (exact form of Lender’s name for catalogue, labels and publicly): The Jean and Graham Devoe Williford Charitable Trust
OBJECT DESCRIPTION (If more than one work of art, please use additional sheets)
Artist/Maker: See attached Title: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________ If date appears on work, where? Is work signed by the artist? (Y) (N) If so, where does it appear on the work? Dimensions (HxWxD): Medium/Materials/Support: Insurance Value (USD): $__________________________ (should reflect fair market value) Insurance to be carried by (check one): (XX) Borrower ( ) Lender ( ) Waived by Lender ______ (Lender’s initials) Photography: Unless permission is declined below, it is understood that the work(s) may be photographed, videotaped, telecast, and reproduced for marketing purposes connected with the exhibition. Otherwise, Lender retains exclusive control over the right to copy or make images of the loaned objects (including any catalogues and/or research publications of any exhibit of which such objects are a part), and any modification of the foregoing will be set forth in a separate written reproduction agreement between Lender and Borrower. Declined: (Lender’s inititals) |
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